Sindria Redmoon

Aurin, Female





Redmoon... It's not her real last name. She was named Bloodmoon by her widow griefing mother, after leaving the destruction of Arboria on an Exile evac ship. Her other parent was left behind trying to buy time for the evac. And then she breath her first. It was indeed a blood moon as the ship was leaving.
But if her mother tried to teach her the Aurin way and the connection to the weave as a child, she never showed any interest, partially since for her, those were all dreams. She never saw a real forest before to start with. All her life to that point was metal and vacuum.
Up until that day. The day all she saw was red. The day of the Redmoon Marauder raid. The day she either learn how to hide or how to be dead. The day she was left alone.
After that she tried desperatly to remember what her mother was trying to teach. She was alone, she would have none of it. After so may failed attempts, she saw her. And for the first time, what her mother wanted to show her. Her home.
It was then she changed her name. The only red she'd see from now on would be the one from dead Marauders for stealing the only parent she ever knew. From the dominion, that made them leave their home and for taking away from her the parent she never knew.
A blood moon when born; a red moon to never forget.

Reserved and not much of a chatter, she will however poke some fun on her friends when opportunity arises. Or to make a point go through
Has a small issue at times on turning her thoughts on words, especially when embarrassed or pissed off.

Sindria's Other Characters